Tablets for worms

Helminthiases are spreading more and more among people of different ages, and even if you follow the rules of hygiene down to the smallest detail, you cannot be 100% protected from them. Parasitic species, getting into the body, cause serious disruptions in its work, spread through the digestive tract, affect the liver, heart muscle and lungs. Helminths damage tissues, cause bleeding, inflammation, reduce immunity, making a person vulnerable to other diseases.

parasite pills

Helminthiases are spreading more and more among people of different ages, and even if you follow the rules of hygiene down to the smallest detail, you cannot be 100% protected from them. Parasitic species, getting into the body, cause serious disruptions in its work, spread through the digestive tract, affect the liver, heart muscle and lungs. Helminths damage tissues, cause bleeding, inflammation, reduce immunity, making a person vulnerable to other diseases.

What is particularly important in the case of parasites is the loss of vital substances for the organism. Worms deprive a person of vitamins and, in particular, trace elements, and without them it will not be possible to maintain health. At the slightest suspicion of helminthiasis, it is necessary to act. Taking worm pills alone is not enough. It is necessary to eliminate the consequences of the presence of parasites, take care of prevention. However, the first thing to do is to choose a safe yet effective complex that kills helminths with minimal "drug hit".

What are the criteria for choosing worm pills

To prevent chronic poisoning of the body with helminths and remove all forms of parasites (adults, eggs, etc. ) from the body, specialized drugs are needed. When choosing them, you need to consider:

  • time to get the result - keep in mind that drugs that promise to get rid of the disease in one or three days are usually highly toxic and compare the effect and possible consequences;
  • spectrum and scope of the problem: there are drugs for certain types of parasites, as well as drugs with complex action;
  • harmlessness to the body - side effects, severity of recovery after exposure to the drug;
  • the ability to use pills for the treatment and prevention of subsequent infection - it is desirable that the agent can be drunk safely in courses with interruptions;
  • composition - the ratio of active and auxiliary components, naturalness;
  • daily dosage and danger of overdose: what will happen if the recommended amount is exceeded;
  • organoleptic characteristics: it is the size suitable for you, the shape of the preparation;
  • balance between price and result.

Based on these and other criteria, the TOP of the required and effective tablets for worms is compiled. We list the funds included in most of these ratings.

Medication based on albendazole

Chewable tablets with a wide range of effects. The eliminated species are tape, roundworms, flukes. A single dose of the drug is used to treat ascariasis, hookworm. The medicine is made in India, is inexpensive and can be drunk from the age of six. The duration of the course is selected by the doctor - as a rule, from 3 to 30 days. It is recommended to take it after meals, it is possible to supplement them with other medicinal complexes.

The drug is quite effective due to the increased concentration of the active substance: it contains 400 mg of albendazole per tablet. To avoid relapses, a repeated course is recommended. Despite the advantages, it is worth approaching the drug with caution, since:

  • It is a powerful prescription drug;
  • for liver diseases, during breastfeeding, the drug is contraindicated;
  • if the dose is calculated incorrectly (and this is not easy), drug poisoning is possible.


Famous anthelmintic tablets with proven anthelmintic efficacy. This is an inexpensive drug with a wide coverage of parasites, the deworming rate of which reaches 95%. Deal with nematodes and pinworms best. Benefits of the pills:

  • short course - single or double dose;
  • can be taken during and after meals;
  • different dosage options: 200 and 500 mg of piperazine adipenate.

At "Piperazine" has an effect against parasites, doctors recommend to do evening enemas between courses. Children under the age of three to six should not be given; the dosage should be carefully selected after analyzing the patient's condition. Other disadvantages of the drug are the strict requirements for personal hygiene between courses of administration, the need to drink tablets at least two or three times to achieve the effect.

The drug is based on mebendazole.

It is a universal anthelmintic that disrupts the metabolism of sugars in helminths, which depletes them and removes them from the body. The drug has a good effect against roundworms, trichinella tapeworms, pinworms and rarer parasites. Its price is affordable, it is easy to take. The dose and duration of the course is determined by the diagnosis, pills are taken, as a rule, once three times a day after eating.

With all the effectiveness of the drug, it is a rather dangerous remedy with a large list of contraindications. It:

  • forbidden to children under the age of three, pregnant women, people with intestinal diseases, ulcerative colitis;
  • has low drug compatibility - between antagonists and metronidazole, carbamazepine, prescribed for neuropathic pain and seizure conditions;
  • often causes dangerous side effects: changes in blood composition, hair loss with prolonged use, dyspeptic manifestations are observed, etc.

Preparation with mebendazole and other auxiliary ingredients

A drug with various indications, the most effective for roundworms, pinworms, roundworms and tapeworms. The main component is the same as the previous drug - mebendazole. Its 10%, the rest is occupied by auxiliary ingredients: starch, magnesium stearate. The composition contains lactose and it is better for a person with lactose intolerance to avoid them.

Among the advantages of the drug are the ease of administration, good digestibility and the rarity of allergic reactions. In patients with diabetes, tablets reduce the need for insulin, but when taking the drug, it is necessary to very carefully monitor the level of glucose and monitor the condition of the liver and kidneys. The drug strongly affects them. Other disadvantages:

  • prohibition of use with lipophilic components;
  • drowsiness (cannot be taken while driving), possible coloring of the whites of the eyes in a yellowish tint;
  • contraindications - intestinal diseases, lactation and others.


Anthelmintic from the age of four, active against extraintestinal invasions. This is a rare example of a complex that helps with opisthorchiasis (invasion of worms from the bile ducts), as well as schistosomes, pig tapeworm larvae, flukes and tapeworms. However, it is not suitable for the treatment of nematodes.

The drug and similar complexes are extremely toxic; for a one-time admission, patients are even hospitalized for a day. Despite its high efficiency, the drug has a lot of side effects, and their frequency is high. One-tenth of people who took the drug once or more reported headaches, heart rhythm disturbances, dizziness, vomiting, and abdominal cramps. Therefore, the drug and analogues should be taken under the strict supervision of a doctor, comparing the benefits and consequences. When driving a car, dangerous work is performed, these drugs are prohibited.

Bioactive agent based on herbal extracts.

Safe drug, neutral for the liver, but with a good effect against worms, protozoan infections. The tablets contain extracts of St. John's wort, centaurea, mint, tansy and other components.

Advantages of the drug:

  • complex effect without a strong blow to the liver;
  • neutralization of individuals at all stages of development;
  • quick effect.

Disadvantages of the drug: high risk of allergic reactions, prohibition of taking during pregnancy and lactation. The drug has a fairly high daily intake (six tablets) and it is not very convenient to take it. With a large-scale infection, the need for long-term prevention can be ineffective.


Cheap and quite effective medicine, which, due to its low toxicity, is allowed for children. For children up to three years old, there is a special form - a suspension. In it and in the tablet variety, the common active ingredient is pyrantel pamoate.

Tablets are fatal for roundworms, give a pronounced effect in whipworm and hookworm. For other diseases, the drug is ineffective. It is convenient to take them, but the doctor must select the dosage regimen and period without fail. Other disadvantages are incompatibility with piperazine (they neutralize each other) and laxatives, as well as contraindications. These are myasthenia gravis, kidney failure, etc.

Levamisole-based drug

Another species recommended for fighting roundworms, roundworms, hookworms, etc. Tablets can be drunk from the age of three, have a convenient reception - once, less often twice. The dosage of the anthelmintic is selected based on the weight of the patient. The capsule contains 50 mg of levamisole.

A convenient and effective drug is quite popular and safe, but it is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating mothers. Also, you can not drink the drug to patients who have a low level of leukocytes in the blood.

Collection of herbs with a high concentration of anthelmintic bioflavonoids.

Its advantages:

  • plant origin - in the composition of fragrant carnation, tansy, poplar bark;
  • almost complete absence of contraindications;
  • without side effects.

Capsules are taken daily, before meals, the daily dose is six pieces. In addition to inconvenient administration, among the disadvantages of the drug, it should be noted that it is not very effective in case of large-scale helminth invasion.

Anthelmintic complex

A therapeutic complex of six drugs. They consist of natural bitter (bitter tonics), antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and anthelmintic components. All components are of plant origin and overall they give a powerful therapeutic and prophylactic effect on a broad spectrum.

The difference between the complex and other anthelmintics is the fight against helminthic invasion, the elimination of parasites at all stages, detoxification and elimination of the consequences of their presence in the body. The preparations contain biosorbents and microelements essential for the restoration of health and the normal functioning of internal organs.

The complex is taken twice a day, one tablet of each drug. Its advantages:

  • high efficiency against 150 species of parasites of the formed and cystic stages - such results are not proven by any of the synthesized chemical preparations;
  • mild action without "drug hit" - all preparations of the complex are non-toxic and safe with prolonged use;
  • restoration of the balance of trace elements, disturbed by helminths, and the elimination of phenolic poisons, formaldehyde and other products of the vital activity of worms;
  • omnidirectional action - anthelmintic, pesticide, antiseptic, bifidogen, antifungal (when taking all drugs in the program).

The pesticide complex is indicated to eliminate helminthic invasion and anthelmintic prophylaxis. It is recommended to follow the anti-parasite and health improvement program in three-month courses with a one-week break between each month. The number of courses per year is one or two, for patients at risk: three or four.